Friday, May 3, 2024

Mountains and Ocean

The boys climbed a volcano today. I did not. They left at 7 (though awakened far earlier by an over enthusiastic rooster) on a bone-rattling transport vehicle with 30 others and drove to the start of the 10-mile hike, but when they got there another guide asked for 2 volunteers to join his group, which had lost some people. For no extra cost, they got to drive to the top of the volcano and then hike down into the caldera, which was full of weird formations and volcano lizards and all sorts of things the others didn't get to see. It was still a tough 4+ mile hike, but the guide was great, the others in the group were interesting, and they got back early.

  In the meantime, I found a place to rent snorkel gear and walked a mile in the blistering sun to Concha de Perla, a local snorkeling site. I met some friends along the path (and smashed my head a little on a mangrove tree, no blood no foul). At the little dock I jumped in and was rewarded with the sight of innumerable fish of all sizes and colors. It was spectacular. A huge marine iguana vomited profusely next to me on the dock, which was a little startling.

 Back at the hotel we met up, lunched, and set out again for Concha de Perla. My descriptions were so rhapsodic that the boys felt they had to try it out. Ben was immediately enthralled, and he and I were lucky enough to see a green sea turtle and a polka dotted puffer fish. Phil watched a Galapagos sea lion clamber onto the dock, amble over to a bench, climb up, and take a nap.

After a plunge in the ocean and sunset cocktails on the beach (may I recommend the passion fruit mojito?), we dined at a rather fancy place where we were the only customers. The food was excellent—I had something called cazuela, a fabulous casserole of plantain, ground up peanuts, and shrimp. Then early to bed for a 9 am flight on the 9-seater plane the next morning.

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